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Decoding Autism: Is it purely genetic?

April 08, 20243 min read

Autism: Exploring Genetics,

Triggers, and Hope

Every parent worries about their child's well-being. Autism, a complex condition affecting 1 in 36 children today, can be especially daunting. While genetics play a role, there's more to the story. With these rates skyrocketing, it's quite common that parents are left with so many questions, quite frequently asking "Is Autism Genetic?"

While genes definitely play a role through genetic predisposition, even traditional doctors are starting to recognize a pattern. This blog explores the environmental triggers that contribute to autism and offers a new perspective for parents and caregivers.

Genetics Aren't the Whole Picture

Many believe autism is purely genetic. However, recent research suggests environmental factors play a significant role. We focus on the root causes and triggers – the "Perfect Storm" that disrupts a child's developing nervous system.

Our Goal: Empowering Parents

So parents, caregivers, teachers, and friends, we strive to empower you to understand the true causes of autism and explore actionable solutions. We offer a drug-free approach to help your child navigate their unique challenges and improve their quality of life.


The "Perfect Storm" of Environmental Triggers

Genetics may increase risk, but environmental factors are the tipping point. As neurologically-focused chiropractors, our job is to dig deeper to see the bigger picture. One of the most telling "red flags" we see every single day include prenatal and maternal stress. When your baby is introduced to these stressors and more, they share a sympathetic stress response through the umbilical cord, causing their nervous systems to be in a prolonged state of "fight or flight".

Here are some key contributors:

  • Prenatal Stress: A mother's chronic stress during pregnancy can impact fetal development. They feel what you feel so that stress starts impacting the baby even from inside the womb.

  • Birth Trauma: Forceps, vacuum extraction, and C-sections can put stress on a baby's nervous system. Increased pressure on the head, neck, and brainstem can cause potential physical trauma, especially to the brainstem and the nervous system

  • Gut & Immune Challenges: Stress and toxins can disrupt the gut-brain connection, leading to digestive and immune problems.

  • Toxins & EMFs: Exposure to everyday toxins, medications, and electromagnetic fields can further stress the system.

Environmental Triggers Lead to Nervous System Dysregulation

These stressors create a neurological tipping point, leading to a dysregulated nervous system stuck in fight-or-flight mode. This can manifest in various ways:

  • Gut & Immune Issues: Weakened digestion and immunity lead to frequent illnesses.

  • Developmental Challenges: Motor skills, sleep, and inflammation can be affected.

  • Core Symptoms of Autism: Communication difficulties, social interaction struggles, sensory processing issues, stimming, and repetitive behaviors emerge.

Hope Beyond Genetics

If your child has been diagnosed with autism, there is hope. Understanding the environmental triggers opens doors to healing and improvement.

Next Steps: Exploring Solutions

At Perfect by Design, we understand the deep, true neurological reasons behind the rise in autism, and we are able to use advanced technology, INSiGHT Scans, to find subluxation and neurological imbalances.

Improvement is possible! By targeting root causes, we can gradually restore nervous system function through gentle chiropractic adjustments. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Perfect by Design today and learn that shifting your framework empowers you to open up new paths to progress for your child. 

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