Our Kids Are Not Okay...
If you've been lying awake at night, worried about your child's health and wondering why traditional answers aren't working, you're not alone. As a parent, you know when something isn't right with your child, regardless of what you've been told by well-meaning doctors or friends. That instinct - that deepening concern that something more is going on - is worth listening to.
Here's a startling truth that isn't being discussed enough: up to 40% of children today are struggling with at least one chronic health condition. Some research suggests this number may even be higher than 50%. This is simply not ok! We're seeing unprecedented rates of:
Anxiety and emotional regulation challenges
ADHD and focus issues
Autism spectrum disorders
Chronic digestive problems
Allergies and autoimmune conditions
Sleep disorders
Sensory processing issues
Before we dive into what's really causing our children to be so sick, we need to address two common theories that most people believe. The first probably won't surprise you, but the second just might shake up everything you thought you knew about children's health.
The entire traditional medical system is built upon a simple concept: good genes equal good health, and bad genes equal poor health. It's a neat, tidy explanation that puts everything into convenient boxes.
But here's the truth that challenges this theory: our genes take thousands of years to adapt and change significantly. There's simply no way that genetics alone can explain the explosive rise in chronic illness we're seeing in our kids today. This dramatic increase has happened in just a few generations - far too quick to be explained by genetic changes.
When people first start exploring natural health and wellness (which is fantastic!), they often land on one conclusion: it must be all about toxins and chemicals in our environment. And while we absolutely agree that "kids and chemicals don't mix," and our chemical-filled world is definitely a major contributor to chronic illness, it's not the whole story.
The real culprit behind this explosion in chronic illness is something we all know about but often overlook when it comes to our children: stress.
Yes, stress. It sounds almost too simple, doesn't it? However, the impact of stress on our children's developing nervous systems is profound and far-reaching.
Think about it: we've normalized stress to such an extent that we barely notice it anymore. Our children's nervous systems are constantly "wound up and worn out," yet we rarely connect this to their health challenges. We've accepted this state as normal, but there's nothing normal about it.
What we're seeing in children's health today is what we call "The Perfect Storm" - a cascade of stressors that begins early in life and can dramatically impact a child's developing nervous system:
It starts during pregnancy with maternal stress affecting fetal nervous system development.
Birth interventions (C-sections, forceps, vacuum extractions) can cause physical trauma to the brainstem and vagus nerve.
Early childhood challenges compound these initial stressors (environmental toxins, repeated antibiotic use, social challenges, etc). Early issues like colic, reflux, and ear infections are warning signs.
When these stressors combine, they create a perfect storm of nervous system dysfunction and dysregulation - also called subluxation and dysautonomia. This doesn't just affect mental and emotional well-being - it impacts every aspect of health:
Gut health and digestion
Immune system function
Sleep patterns
Hormone regulation
Brain development
Emotional regulation
Physical development
Children don’t just “grow out of” these challenges - they often develop into more complex issues.
The good news is that understanding this connection between stress, nervous system function, and overall health opens up new possibilities for healing. Instead of just treating symptoms or trying to "fix" genes, we can focus on supporting our children's nervous systems and creating environments that promote natural healing.
Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care at Perfect by Design identifies and addresses subluxation and nervous system dysfunction. We start by gathering a case history of your child and then use advanced INSiGHT scanning technology to measure neurological function in your child. Using this data, we then create personalized care plans based on each child’s specific needs. Finally, with our gentle adjustments, we help restore proper nervous system regulation naturally, without drugs.
It's time to stop accepting chronic illness as the new normal for our children. Understanding the true role of stress and nervous system function in your child's health is the first step toward real, lasting change.
At Perfect by Design, we regularly see families who have tried everything - from conventional medicine to specialized diets, detox programs, and expensive functional medicine treatments - yet their children continue to be sick and struggle. When traditional approaches and countless medical interventions haven't worked, we focus on a simpler explanation: while factors like genetics, gluten sensitivity, and gut health can contribute to illness, the root cause traces back to nervous system dysfunction, dysregulation, and subluxation.
If this is you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Perfect by Design today to schedule a consultation. We not only provide world-class chiropractic care at our office, but we also provide the most empowering and supportive community out there!
Your child's future health is worth every step of this journey, and it's never too late to start making positive changes that can impact not just their immediate well-being but their health for years to come.
Monday: 2:30pm - 6:30 pm
Tuesday: 9am - 12pm & 2:30pm - 6:30 pm
Wednesday: 9am - 12pm & 3pm - 6pm
Thursday: 9am - 12pm & 2:30pm - 6:30pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Monday: 10am - 1pm & 3pm - 6pm
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 10am - 1pm & 3pm - 6pm
Thursday: 3pm - 6pm
Friday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm
Saturday: Closed