As parents ourselves, we understand the worry and frustration of watching your child struggle meeting milestones. You watch your little one struggle to crawl, sit up, or even take those first wobbly steps. Therapy sessions pile up, home exercises become a daily routine, but progress seems frustratingly slow. You might even start to feel lost and helpless.
Here's the truth: you're not alone. Many parents face the same situation, wondering why their child's development seems stuck. But what if there's a missing piece to the puzzle, something traditional therapies often overlook?
We get it. Therapy focuses on building strength and coordination, but what if the root cause goes deeper? What if your child's struggles stem from a hidden issue within their nervous system?
The Crucial Role of Gross Motor Skills
Strong gross motor skills are the foundation for a child's development. These skills involve using large muscle groups for everyday activities – everything from crawling to playing at the park. Think of it as building blocks for future physical achievements.
Gross motor skills follow a natural order. It starts with head and neck control for things like nursing and holding their head up. Then comes core strength for sitting and rolling. Crawling, crucial for brain development, follows. Finally, they explore the world by cruising furniture and taking those first tentative steps.
The Missing Link: The Neurospinal System
Traditional therapies are fantastic, but they might be missing a key player – the nervous system, especially the neurospinal system. This intricate network controls everything from muscle movement to balance and coordination. If something disrupts this delicate system, it can throw a wrench into your child's development.
Here's where Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care comes in. It focuses on the nervous system, something PT and OT can't directly address. Imagine the nervous system as a highway for information. Sometimes, blockages called subluxations can occur in the neck and spine. These can be caused by birth interventions like forceps or even a breech position. These blockages are like traffic jams, hindering the messages from brain to body and vice versa.
The result? The body can become "stuck" in a state of high tension or low tone, making it difficult to develop proper motor skills. Think of it as the gas pedal being stuck – your child might appear weak, but in reality, they're simply unable to control their movements due to this underlying tension.
A Story of Hope: Leo's Journey
Let's meet Leo. When Leo started care with Perfect by Design, he was a 15 month old toddler who was once struggling with a proper cross crawl patter. Leo would scoot on his left leg, dragging his right left along for the ride. He wouldn't stand on his own without help from a walker. He had been under the care of a PT for months but was still struggling meeting these milestones.
Within a week of starting Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care, Leo's story changed. His crawl corrected within one adjustment and he started standing without assistance. After two adjustments, Leo was WALKING. His parents and providers were thrilled.
Leo continues to improve on milestones and we are SO proud of his progress!
The Path Forward: Hope Beyond Therapy
If your child faces gross motor delays and traditional therapy seems to have reached a dead end, don't lose hope. There might be a hidden cause lurking within their nervous system. Subluxations, high tension, and even past birth trauma could be holding them back.
At Perfect by Design, we want to get down to the root cause of your child's delays. We use state of the art INSiGHT Scans to curate a customized care plan made specifically for YOUR CHILD and their needs and goals! We want to help you get over the plateau of little to no progress and partner with other therapies to get your child's gross motor development back on track!
Schedule a consultation with one of ours docs, all of which have in depth pediatric training through the Pediatric Experience to handle the toughest of cases.
Together, we can unlock your child's full potential and get them back on the path to a happy, healthy future through Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care.
Monday: 2:30pm - 6:30 pm
Tuesday: 9am - 12pm & 2:30pm - 6:30 pm
Wednesday: 9am - 12pm & 3pm - 6pm
Thursday: 9am - 12pm & 2:30pm - 6:30pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Monday: 10am - 1pm & 3pm - 6pm
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 10am - 1pm & 3pm - 6pm
Thursday: 3pm - 6pm
Friday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm
Saturday: Closed